The March 17 Whitehall Town Council meeting, held at the Town Hall, was filled with legal jargon as the Council approved variances oand rdinances and discussed policy updates.
Councilwoman Linda Jung read the legal verbiage surrounding the proposed variance for StarrBuds, as provided by the town's attorney, Ed Guza. Due to hardship and the "peculiar" layout of Whitehall's commercial district, Guza suggested approving the variance as the ordinance was meant to support, not prevent, businesses in Whitehall. StarrBuds had requested the variance due to hardship, as their proposed business location (14 E Legion) was under the required 500 ft. from a public building. The Council approved the variance.
The Council had the second reading of Ordinance 2024-5, which concerns the use of campers and RVs within town limits. Council members had taken into consideration the public comments received. They approved the ordinance, which establishes permit requirements and time limitations for temporary living and provides penalties for violations. The Council approved the ordinance, which will go into immediate effect.
Whitehall Community Pool manager Kelley Seccomb presented a policy request from the pool board to keep fundraising monies in a separate account that the Council/Town could not access for non-fundraising items. Discussion was had regarding the use of fundraising funds in the past to cover overbudget pool expenses, which then the Town reimbursed the capital improvement fund. The Council tabled the discussion.
Councilman Bill Lanes announced the delivery of goods to Whitehall from the Convoy of Hope. About 24 pallets with various children's items and bath accessories were delivered to the Town Hall and will be distributed via a drive-up line at the Town Hall at 9:30 AM on Wednesday, March 19th.
BUSINESS LICENSES: Approved for The Blue Canoe, Sinclair's Bakery, and Infinity Bakery.
• Whitehall's Town Spring Clean will be April 28-May 2.
• The Council approved an operational increase for cost-of-living from McGree Trucking. The monthly increase will be an additional $1300 to the current bill.
• It was reported that the Whitehall Recreation Board had elected new officers.
• The Council renewed its storage site lease with Northwestern Energy.
• Public Works Director Kory Klapan noted that the water treatment facility was running about two months behind schedule and would be functioning in May.
• Klapan also stated that Visionary would begin rehabbing the town's alleys from their fiber installation at the beginning of April.
The next regular Whitehall Town Council meeting will be April 21 at 7 PM. A special meeting of the Council will be held on March 20 at 7 PM.
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