Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Intermountain's On-Demand Services Expanding to Enhance Patient Access

Intermountain Health’s on-demand services are expanding in Montana to bring patients faster access to common medications and medical services without having to see a doctor.

This recent expansion increases the number of pharmacy products that patients can access in Utah, Nevada, Idaho, and Montana. The goal is to increase access to healthcare, especially in rural areas where patients may experience longer wait or travel times to see a specialist.

“Intermountain’s on-demand services are helping us reach the goal of bringing healthcare closer to home, and making access to care more convenient,” said Marcus Paske, ambulatory clinical pharmacist at Intermountain Health. “This helps alleviate pressure on providers who now have more appointments available for patients with urgent needs.”

Since 2022, Intermountain’s on-demand pharmacy service has offered patients low-risk medications like smoking cessation treatment, and naloxone. Now, the options include hair loss treatment, erectile disfunction medication, and period pain relief, among others.

Some private companies have started offering access to similar pharmacy services, but patients often must pay a subscription to access it, or to get full discounts. The Intermountain on demand service works differently because patients only pay for one appointment and medication, which in some cases are both covered by insurance.

“As a not-for-profit health system, we see this service as a way to address an important need in our communities, especially for those living in rural areas,” said Paske. “We also recognize people have become accustomed to fast service brought right to their door, and this is how we bring that customer service aspect to healthcare delivery.

Patients can access medications and treatments by filling out an online form and speaking with a pharmacist on the phone. If the pharmacist doesn’t see any medical issues or complications, then the medication is shipped directly to the patient. Depending on which service is selected it costs around $20 to $50 for the virtual appointment. (Intermountain Health)


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