Dear Editor,
Much like cancer cells, the government, when diseased by corruption, waste, and abuse, consumes its own body. This is how a country living in a credit-driven economy meets its ultimate death. The economic model that allows unlimited credit for individuals and the government to live today on the promise of tomorrow's productivity has to have a reasonable expectation of that productivity to satisfy the debt. Add interest payments to the debt, a demographic implosion, and moral decline, and it's a perfect storm for the disaster that is facing the U.S. and its people.
Efforts to downsize the government and raise taxes will not work without the majority of citizens acknowledging the problem for what it is...MASSIVE.
In terms of business sense, prosperity of human existence consists of three basic elements: natural resources, energy to turn resources into consumable products, and human labor and ingenuity to dream into existence consumable and useable products.
Without labor and ingenuity, natural resources and energy are useless and cannot be consumed.
Taxing human labor and ingenuity, simply put, is a tax on private property (the person). This is how slavery is born. Credit serves to indenture the person to debt. How's that working out for the next generation since we are currently spending their future also? While there are no laws preventing a person from voluntary servitude to debt, the U.S. supposedly outlawed involuntary servitude long ago.
It's time to consider funding government with natural resources and energy source revenue from which the public already owns.
Whitehall, Montana
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