Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Whitehall Garden Club News: March

Top o' the mornin' to ya and leapin' leprechauns, the Whitehall Garden Club (WGC) members and guests were greeted with "everythin' green!" Evelyn O'Edmisten and Joan O'Myhre delighted the gatherers with sweet green fruits, crunchy green veggies and delicious Irish scones, melt in your mouth perfection. The luck o' the Irish surely made its appearance, starting the March meeting off with such a pot o' gold! Thank you Joan and Evelyn.

WGC President Kathy Ross opened the meeting by introducing the first guest speaker, Leonard Wortman who reported on the wind development project and what a report it was! I wrote as fast and furiously as I could, but the information Mr. Wortman conveyed to us was amazing, exciting and a copious amount of science and technology information regarding the building of the wind turbines at the Golden Sunlight Mine and Business Park. If you have the fortunate opportunity to hear Mr. Wortman speak on this subject (watch the Ledger), grab it and you will be amazed at what you hear. Windmills of days gone by, will be the dinosaurs of wind energy.

The new and innovative Hydrogen Future Systems is a game changer in Hydrogen technology and will be completely green! (And no, this has nothing to do with the green brunch, just perfect timing), traveling on current lines.

Mr. Wortman gave so much information, expressed very exciting possibilities, and discussed the realities of Hydrogen power. The WGC members asked all the right questions regarding the use of Hydrogen energy with respects to the environment, noise, water, visual and air pollution, with Mr. Wortman answering the concerns with facts that truly described this project as a 'first of its kind' and 21st Century forward. You will want to hear all about this upcoming wind turbine creating Hydrogen project. (keeping in mind, it's not the wind mills and their corridors of the past). Thanks Mr. Wortman for this informative report.

Our next guest speaker was Tom Harrington reporting on the successful location change of the Western Legacy Center, thanking the community for helping accomplish this task. Tom told the WGC and guests that between 15,000 and 17,000 people per week visit the Town Pump and that increased traffic flow has been a great boost to the number of visitors to the WesternLegacy Center. Did you know that 147 vendors display their wares inside of the Western Legacy Center? What a great place to go visit, to look for those special Montana-made gifts and personal items. Thanks Tom Harrington for the Western Legacy Center update.

The WGC program regarding Establishing Shelter Belts with a focus on Windbreaks was presented by MSU Extension representative Kaleena Miller. Kaleena's presentation was outstanding, helping WGC members and a large number of guests learn the basics of creating a windbreak around their homes. You must know the direction of the prevailing winds to avoid creating a wind tunnel effect, by making sure you plant your trees perpendicular to the wind.

Tree spacing is very important and with your evergreens a 20' space is about right as the trees will grow and create that wind break, but still keep enough space to continue a healthy area around them.

Everyone needs to "know their soil" as the first step for planting anything in the ground. You can schedule Kaleena to come out to test your soil and then you will know how to amend it properly helping your plants thrive. Kaleena handed out informative charts to help with proper planting. Most 'failure to thrive' trees are not planted properly (too shallow, too deep, inadequate tamping, holes that are too narrow and compact the roots, etc), so it is imperative to plan ahead.

Stop by the Extension office in the Borden's building and ask for those handouts to help you. Wind breaks and shelter belts take planning a year or so before starting because of soil prep, use of proper trees, having a good water source and planting at the most desirable times, (Spring and Fall for most), and doing these things will help ensure a healthy windbreak or shelter belt diffusing the wind around your property.

Speaking of trees, remember that the WGC annual Arbor Day event will be on April 25 this year. Hope to see you there! And before I go, and being a wee bit Irish meself, the WGC is wishing you "a pot o' gold and all the joy your heart can hold." Get ready to SPRING into action.


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