Calling all creatives: Whitehall Theatrics, the community theatre aspect of Gold Junction Presents, is casting for its next production - The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon! We’re seeking anyone interested in acting, set design, props, makeup and costumes, lighting, and more! All ages are welcome. Get a script now and find your perfect part - we are casting Tuesday, March 11th from 4 to 7 PM.
You may think you know the story of Cinderella, Rapunzel, or Hansel and Gretel, but you’ve never seen them quite like this. Guided by the aptly-named Narrator One and Narrator Two, The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon is a madcap ride through all 209 of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. An ensemble cast zips from story to story, weaving each together as we discover the origin stories of some of literature’s most well-known characters. You’ll meet some lesser-known figures too- like Plinkie Plie, Girl Without Hands, and the crab people. Just for good measure, there’s also a talking fish, an evil raven, and an audience member who’s a little too invested. The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon is an ideal option for high school theatres looking for a crowd-pleaser with minimal set/tech requirements, flexible casting, and roles for strong comedic actors. This is a wild, free-form comedy with lots of audience participation and madcap fun, very similar to The Complete (Abridged) Works of William Shakespeare.
Interested? Call or text Liz at 498-3807 or email
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