Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: Week of 2/12/2025

“Do what you love, and the money will follow” is Boomer's advice from the 1970s when a $16 loan from Grandma could turn your ice cream stand into a multi-million dollar business. Today, it’s just horrible advice.

If cats could play air hockey, they would be unbeatable.

Hotels could save millions in electricity costs if they stopped placing mini-fridges in enclosed cabinets that block air circulation around their cooling coils.

At some point in the mid-2000s, someone decided that saying double-you, double-you, double-you in front of every web address was too much effort, and we collectively agreed.

The record-breaking hit song “Billie Jean” would not have done so well if it had been produced today at the age of 23 and Me.

Even though it’s a movie about inanimate objects that magically come to life when no one is watching, the most unbelievable thing about Toy Story is how firm the claw machine’s grip is.

Hogwarts letters probably wouldn’t work nowadays since everyone would think they’re spam.

It’s possible that time froze for 1,000 years as you read this, but you didn’t notice.

If you miss the first step of a staircase, you often miss all the other steps.

When I Love Lucy was dubbed into Spanish, did Desi Arnaz shout in English?

The gap between science fiction and science is getting thinner by the day.

An entrepreneur makes big plans for people who have smaller plans than they do.

When I was a child, my parents worried about my friends being a bad influence on me. Now I’m an adult, and I’m worried that my parent’s friends are bad influences on them.

Based on standard inflationary rates, if rapper 50 Cent began his career today, his name would be Dollar-O-One.

At some point in history, someone stretched a tanned animal hide over a wood bowl, hit it with sticks, and thought it sounded good.

If robots take over the world and the internet, CAPTCHA will be used in the exact opposite way as now.

There are many ways to sing the alphabet. We all just landed on a certain version.

There is no reason fish should be afraid of heights.

To eat an elephant one bite at a time you must first kill an elephant.

With modern car lights so bright, now would be the perfect time to bring back the trend of black-out lights.

Characters in movies or TV shows live in a universe where the actor playing that character does not exist.

People born with the ability to fly would likely have atrophied legs and need crutches to walk.

Your bite force is more potent when you’re upside down.


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