Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: The Six Principles of Stupidity and More

Dear Editor,

What a busy time for President Musk and Mrs. Trump! But following Steve Bannon's recipe for creating chaos, while pretending to be acting in the best interests of the American people, doesn't seem to working as successfully as Bannon's advice to "claim victory anyway" when it was apparent Trump had lost the 2020 election.

Mrs. Trump's complete lack of understanding of how tariff's really work has been a global embarrassment and her/his (?) illegal tactics in the USA are being blocked by the courts, as were all of the claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election.

For those who find sleep elusive as a result of the chaos I would suggest Ezra Klein's 13-minute video DON'T BELIEVE HIM in the New York Times and conservative columnist David Brooks' January 30th column in the New York Times THE SIX PRINCIPLES OF STUPIDITY.

Bad things happen when good people stay silent. It's time for all of us who are outraged by this assault on the rule of law and our democracy to speak truth to power. Under the general heading of "never go to bed angry" I have found calling our spineless representatives in the House and Senate on a daily basis an effective outlet for anger and disgust.

I challenge all of them, Daines, Sheehy, Zinke and Downing, to return to Montana and face their constituents in person at Town Halls.

Respectfully submitted,


Cardwell, Montana


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