Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Whitehall Garden Club News: February

The Whitehall Garden Club (WGC) has made excellent plans for the coming year. But before we get to business, let's re-drool; I mean, review the delightful breakfast brunch awaiting all members and guests. Hostesses Janet Finney and Karen Ranta presented a beautiful table of muffilicious muffins, at least five different varieties, beautifully arranged fruit platters, and a dish of candied orange slices, cinnamon hearts, and lots of chocolate Hershey's Kisses, all on a Valentine's Day motif. The old saying, "you first eat with your eyes," was very true, and we all enjoyed a double delicious brunch!

Kathy Ross, WGC President, called the meeting to order and had each chair report on the results of their committee meetings. Any questions and/or comments were heard and discussed. Each committee is an integral part of the whole club, and all members enjoyed hearing about the planned events. The Program committee shared the upcoming monthly topics to inspire and instruct all of us (including guests who are always welcome) in the 2025 garden year. Everyone was busy preparing the WGC for another "BLOOMING GOOD YEAR!"

The program for the February meeting was to share Garden "Hacks" from WGC members, and lots of interesting ideas were shared. Everything from using Sprite for blooms, cotton cords in mason jars for watering, and beer for slugs, but one everyone agreed on was installing a drip system on timers to ensure consistency in watering-more hacks to come and will be available at the Arbor Day event on April 25.

Look for the WGC article for program information the week before the first Wednesday of each month.

BIG NEWS.... all WGC meetings will be held in the conference room at the newly opened ambulance barn. Parking is specific, so double-check your space before attending the monthly meeting!


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