Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Between the Stacks" 2/12/2025

Brandi and I are moving into our new office created within the Whitehall Community Library this week; please be patient if we need to look for things! It is a great office and the staff is very excited about all the changes in their space. Once crammed together and buried in my projects, they'll have a great, clean area to spread out in. We can all be organized and neat!

If you happen to see John Smith, thank him for the wonderful donation, as he gave all the materials to build the office as a gift to the library! Ron Jung and Pod Moriarty donated extra time to paint the walls and help us move the Holocaust collection. The Wisner Family funded the building project, and more are to come! Thanks also to my staff and volunteers, who endured construction, moved two offices, and reorganized everything-special thanks to Brandi Latta for painting the last three walls. Everyone can look forward to Teresa Young painting the children's mural on the outside office wall.

The Library Board meeting is on the calendar for the wrong date; the actual meeting is February 20th at the Whitehall Community Library. Sorry for the inconvenience - things have been a little crazy around here. The Teen History Book Club has also moved to 1 PM on February 21.

This is the last call for those who would like to stop by and get roses for their favorite seniors. The Cupid Crew will deliver to the Whitehall Senior Center for those in the Meals on Wheels program and Meadowlark Manor. Anyone over 60 qualifies, and no paperwork is involved. The AARP Cupid Crew Program sends the flowers to us, and they are free to the library as long as we get them in the hands of seniors.

The Homeschool Mom's Night Out will be on February 20 at 6 PM and we will meet downstairs, as the Library Board meeting will be upstairs.

Due to the President's Day holiday, the library will be closed on February 17th. We will be open the rest of the week at regular time.

If you have questions about any library program or service, please call us at 287-3763. The Whitehall Community Library's regular hours are Mondays and Wednesdays 9 AM to 7 PM; Tuesdays and Thursdays 11 AM to 7 PM; Fridays 9 AM to 5 PM and Saturdays 9 AM to 1 PM.


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