Anniversaries commemorate when two people were joined. Birthdays commemorate when two people were separated.
Most of the Earth’s sky is below you.
Spaghetti can hold much less sauce than other varieties of pasta, so it should be served relatively dry, but non-Italian restaurants almost always fail at this.
You can hire a clown to perform just for you.
Surely, someone has died in surgery because the surgeon had to sneeze.
Video games seem like a great way to kill time in a “Groundhog Day” scenario until you realize your progress would reset daily.
Some parts of a highheel sole never gets used..
Most of us just bet when the doctor asks if the glasses lenses are better now or before and live forever with the consequences of that decision.
We will never know how many people have had a crush on us..
We don’t talk about or think about time in decades like we did pre-2000. The 70s, 80s, and 90s, e.g., were clearly defined and recognizable sections of time. Now, it’s one long stretch of fashions, music, and events that bleed into the next.
The stairs at the top and bottom of a staircase get more traffic than those in the middle.
Before the advent of fire, humans had nothing to burn their mouths on.
Magical people in a magical culture may also have “Ma-Fi,” Magical-Fiction.
You never hear about cellphone cameras breaking.
Why don’t we trust pasta? Why must we have a window on the box that proves there’s pasta inside?
Moms are right about so much more than they’re given credit for.
On average, a one-dollar bill is worth more than a dollar.
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