Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: A Revenue Stream Fit for a King

Dear Editor,

A Revenue Stream Fit for a King:

So, here's how it works: "You want to do business in my town? It'll cost you 25% of what you make, otherwise, I'll break your legs. We here at the 'mob' call that an income tax. If this isn't enough, you will be compelled to use our fiat currency to measure your true productivity, and we'll control the value of that. Never mind what you think it's worth; we'll tell you what it's worth." Believe it or not, this is the business model of how your government finances itself. So much for freedom, right? And you thought you owned the value of your labor and that you were actually free to determine how it's spent. Is it any wonder government spending is out of control? When it's as easy as this, enough is never enough, and the "mob" continues to grow. Poverty, homelessness, and hopelessness are not natural conditions of the human experience. It's precipitated by the actions of our government and their failure to protect the value of your labor. Do you really think this economic model serves the good of the whole? Thankfully, this can be fixed. Ordinary citizens must take back their government and restore their right to private property ownership. A good start would be to support Representative Tom Millett's legal tender bill (LC2030). This is a small beginning to restore the value of your labor and preserve its purchasing power. Your labor belongs to you, protect it!


Whitehall, Montana


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