Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 12/18/2024

Language and music are the closest things humans have created to a time machine. Each word we speak and every note we play draws on ideas from the past and projects them into the future.

Elevators are probably one of the safest modes of transportation.

It’s never really explained how Santa gets into apartment buildings.

If a comma is (,) a colon is (:) and a semi colon is (;) then a semi comma is a full stop(.)

Christmas lights are less exciting in the Southern Hemisphere because December nights are short.

In a future with electric cars, when children “make a car sound,” they will be silent.

Websites demand increasingly convoluted passwords for security purposes, even though most accounts are hacked due to security breaches on their end.

UFO sightings would have skyrocketed if drones were invented before cameras.

If humans were given a performance review based on our ability to run a planet, we would be fired.

Refillable lead pencils are a downgrade from the original as they’re expensive, too delicate, and require more work than sharpening.

Coconut fritters are meatballs.

Your consciousness is trapped within the bounds of what you know.

The oldest millennials will soon turn 44.

The imperial measurement system doesn’t do shoe sizes in feet.

We are dealing with all our modern problems using the same hardware that hasn’t been changed since before we were hunter-gatherers.

When you die and your life flashes before your eyes, you’re going to have to sit through several ads.

AI detection will become less accurate as people start learning to write from AI works they read.

Hot chocolate is defined by its property of being melted chocolate. However, when it becomes cold and retains that physical property, it becomes cold chocolate, which, as a phrase, equally defines a piece of cold normal chocolate.

Cats and dogs owned by masseuses are lucky because they are way better at petting than average people.

When life gives you lemons, you can only make lemonade if life also gives you a lot of sugar.

If we used our fingers to count in binary, we could count to 1024 instead of 10.

To be a true Yearly Wrap for a service, it should take place in January, not in December.

There aren’t nearly as many movies by directors where a filmmaker is the protagonist as there are novels by authors where writers are the protagonist.


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