Christmas at the Library was a huge success, and we had 410 people in attendance at the Whitehall Community Library. It could not have happened without the help of some amazing people. Thank you to my devoted staff, who never quit moving as they did one activity after another and then stayed to clean up. Thank you also to our volunteers and Friends who made cookies, helped run the desk, washed books, assisted with programs, sorted a mountain of winter wear to give away, and answered questions of all types.
Special guests included Santa and the Whitehall Community Band. Santa has been here so many years. I am watching children who once sat on his lap as children bring their own kids for pictures. He is truly a jolly old elf. The Whitehall Community Band serenaded us throughout the afternoon with their beautiful music. The staff sang along as they traveled around the library, helping people and setting up stations. It was a magical day!
On a more mundane note, the History Book Club meets on Monday, December 16th, at 5 PM. This is two weeks earlier than normal, but I didn't think anyone would want to meet the day before New Year's Eve.
Speaking of holidays, the library will be closed on December 24th and 25th for Christmas and December 31st and January 1st for New Year's. We will be open the rest of the week at regularly scheduled times. The book drop is always open if patrons want to return items early.
Our new copier works wonderfully, and we have discovered it makes almost perfect copies of pictures. Color copies are 50 cents each, and black and white are only 20 cents. We can copy on cardstock paper but not photo paper as that takes a different type of copy machine. For those who like to send Christmas letters with pictures, this may be an easy way to get them done.
The library also has a laminating machine that will produce letters or legal-sized paper. The laminated pages are $1 each. It is open to anyone who wants something covered in a stronger format.
The library is handing out de-stressing bags to our adult patrons to remind them that stress is not the reason for the season. The bags have multiple things in them to remind stressed patrons to take a moment and relax during this very busy season. They are available at the front desk, so don't forget to pick one up!
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