December calendars are out and available at the front desk of the Whitehall Community Library. The program changes, closing dates, and computer class announcements are all included. The library will be closed on December 24th and 25th for Christmas and December 31/January 1 for New Year's. We will be running a full, regular schedule during the rest of the week. The book drop is always open for those who want to return finished items.
History Book Club meets early this month on Monday, December 16th, at 5 PM. This month, they are discussing any book of their choosing about a man, past or present, who changed the world. It could be an inventor, ruler, writer, painter, or anything that impacted civilization enough to revolutionize some big or small part of civilization. Anyone is welcome to come and join us. The History Book Club normally meets on the last Monday of the month at 5 PM at the library.
Everyone is asking what we are doing at the library for Christmas, so here is our Christmas at the Library schedule! On Saturday, December 7th, the library will open at 9 AM and close at 3 PM. The Friends book sale will be open the entire day, with hardbacks going for 20 cents and paperbacks selling for 10 cents. Children's activities will run from 10 AM to noon. The Winterwear Giveaway will take place from 11 AM to 1 PM. The afternoon activities will run from 1 PM to 3 PM, with a visit from Santa, the annual Friends of the Library reception, and music provided by the Whitehall Community Band-special thanks to Liz Pullman, who ran our Saturday calendar in last week's Whitehall Ledger.
We are taking registrations for Library computer classes in January. The classes will be held at 1:30 PM on Mondays. There will be a beginner class initially unless enough registrations are received to explore other areas such as online functions, phone to computer, email, or anything else patrons want to know about.
We will also feature another folk art dot class for those who missed it this fall. Joan Dedycker will be teaching it again and making beautiful wall decorations. The library will provide everything so the class will fit anyone who wants to try this fun and different art form.
New books are pouring in this month. If you can't find a book on the new bookshelf that you wanted to read, chances are it has been rotated to the regular collection. We keep books on the new bookshelf for about six months. This gives us room to add new books where patrons can see them. If you are looking for a particular book, don't forget to ask to put it on reserve. When it is returned, we will give you a call.
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