Dear Editor,
I receive my paper my mail, so it takes me a week to get it. I just read Chiara Schober's letter in the November 13, 2024, issue today, November 22nd. I 1000% agree with her!
In looking for the simplest explanation online to refute these rumors, I found an article written by Catherine Beyer in 2018 that says it best. "The truth is that Halloween is associated with Satanism only in certain circumstances and in very recent times. Historically, Halloween has nothing to do with Satanists for the primary fact that the formal Satanism religion was not even conceived until 1966. Halloween is most closely related to the Catholic holiday of All Hallows Eve. This was a night of feasting prior to All Saints Day (November 1st), which celebrates all the saints who do not have a holiday set aside for them."
So, let me ask you a question - do you own a Pit Bull? Or a Dobermann? Are they vicious? Do they attack people? These dogs are not born that way - they are TRAINED to act that way by the human who owns them. I could also argue that guns don't kill people; people kill people, but I won't go there. The point is, is there any difference in Halloween? No. Halloween is what YOU make it, regardless of your religious affiliations.
I am a Christian. I have celebrated Halloween my entire life with all my kids and grandkids, and I grew up in a Christian home with a mother who loved Halloween. We never celebrated evil or the horror side that Halloween brings. We loved dressing up, decorating the house, and trick-or-treating. I don't like horror movies because they scare me, and I will never visit Screams Come True for that reason, no matter how many lights Liz turns on for me! However, that does not mean I do not support the Haunt 100%! Would you say that horror movies are a generalized representation of Halloween? No. Is every horror movie Satanic? No. So why do you say Halloween and the Haunt is? There is no absolute here.
Not only are these kids and adults alike having tons of fun building this for the community, but they are VOLUNTEERING their precious time to be there and make this event happen! It takes a whole village to pull off the Haunt each year, and do you think that if Liz or any part of her crew were actual Satan worshipers, anyone would be doing it?!? No!! This garbage is unfounded, and I am beyond disappointed that people in this community would attack her, the Haunt, the volunteers, or anyone associated with this cause. Do you have ANY idea how much time, money, and effort she has put into this cause? Well, I do. We have repeatedly donated to help support this cause and will continue to do so, even though I cannot help build it. This Haunt not only supports Gold Junction Presents and keeps another business from dying on a main street but it brings commerce and tourism into Whitehall! People come from all over to attend the Haunt! This translates to more business in the shops and restaurants and word of mouth to their family and friends to visit Whitehall. Why would you want to discourage that by starting such a hateful rumor? Do you not want the Star Theatre to stay open - as the theatre is the end goal of all the funds raised? Do you not want the kids and families in the community to have a place to go and something to do? Do you not want the community of Whitehall to be enriched with the arts, music, and culture that the Star provides? Do you see any other way to bring these things to Whitehall without Gold Junction Presents or the Star Theatre?
Whoever started these horrible rumors should be ashamed of themselves. I urge you, no, I implore you to show up at the Whitehall Community Center in September of next year to lend a hand and see what really takes place. And then, when you're done helping, write a letter of apology.
Whitehall, Montana
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