Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 11/20/2024

Tall people get hotter showers.

Island countries are sea-locked countries.

Coffins should be biodegradable.

It’s a little surprising there isn’t a driving test between getting licensed and being elderly.

The faster we go East to West, the slower we’re going.

AI will eventually lead people away from being creators to being curators.

Fictional characters get their memory erased every time you rewatch the movie/episode or restart the game.

You can’t prove that a bottomless pit is bottomless.

The first person to discover that you could nail horseshoes into horse’s feet was a very brave or stupid person.

Hypocrisy and whataboutism are two sides of the same coin.

There are twins out there who have a different birthday.

The more expensive the hotel, the less likely you’ll get a free breakfast.

We may never know with full certainty what the world record is for the “earliest childhood memory any human can ever remember.”

When actions taken for your future self lead to unfavorable outcomes, it remains uncertain whether they failed or prevented an even worse result.

No matter where you are, the bathroom is always “down the hall, to the left.”

Pluto got screwed over in the division of realms in Greek mythology and the planetary designations.

If you’re going to a potluck, you only need to take enough food to feed one person.

It is more common for “influencers” to be influenced by others’ opinions and less common for them actually to influence others.

You never hear any stories about King Charming.

Considering the sheer number of people involved, someone, somewhere, sometime must have had an accurate premonition dream about an event occurring afterward.

People lived in New Mexico before Mexico.

Computer chips start with a photo on a silicon chip, which is then put on a device to create more photos.

Whenever somebody jumps in front of a bullet for someone else, the shooter could just shoot again.

If we all took the initiative and played along with scam calls to waste their time, we could probably save our elderly population from being scammed so often.


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