Dear Editor,
We all have at least one thing in common: we all began life as infants in the womb.
Despite our common beginnings, a widespread disregard for vulnerable human lives at this early developmental stage is wreaking havoc here in Montana, where I grew up and have practiced as an OB/GYN for more than 20 years.
A far-reaching amendment on the ballot in November, CI-128, would allow unlimited induced abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. CI-128’s utter disregard for innocent human beings is nothing short of devastating. As a physician whose entire mission involves saving lives, it’s difficult to justify delivering a newborn at 24 weeks in one room only to terminate another child of the same gestational age or older under the guise of “healthcare” in the room next door. But that’s exactly what CI-128 would permit. The truth is, the little person kicking and moving around in the ultrasound image is not a blob of cells but a human being. With this scientific reality in mind, I often note on early pregnancy ultrasounds how amazing it is that we all start out just like this.
CI-128’s full text, which voters will be denied the opportunity to read at the ballot box, is riddled with vague language and deceptive terminology that would harm, not help, women and their babies. For example, it uses the terms “healthcare professional” or “provider” to refer to those performing induced abortions. Such a broad categorical term could give anyone license to perform them, regardless of experience or specialty, including non-physicians. In fact, the language would eliminate all existing laws governing safe medical practice. This should be frightening, not freeing, to women in need of genuine medical attention.
Unfortunately, there appears to be no limit to how far pro-abortion activists will go to advance their deadly abortion-on-demand platform even though Montana laws already permit induced abortion up until 20 weeks gestation, five weeks beyond the point at which nearly 75 percent of people do not support elective abortion. National pro-abortion interest groups have funneled millions of dollars into our state for the express purpose of turning out votes in favor of CI-128, which would subtly establish a permissive “right” to induced abortion during all nine months for generations to come.
Young women in their teenage years would be put at great personal risk should Montanans adopt CI-128. The amendment would eliminate Montana’s parental notification and the consent laws that protect minors from those who wish them harm, including abusive partners who often pressure them to abort against their wills. Under CI-128, these girls would be isolated at a time in life when they most need parental guidance and support.
Most people don’t realize that OB/GYN physicians already have the professional training and the legal authority necessary to deliver holistic care to mothers and their children before and after birth without relying on abortion. No constitutional amendment is required for us to deliver that care. You may have heard concerns that we need CI-128 to treat life-threatening conditions related to pregnancy, such as miscarriages (the baby has already died) and ectopic pregnancies (the pregnancy is outside the uterus, which can be life-threatening to the mother). This is an invalid concern. We already take care of these women without hesitation and always have.
Don’t let the drama of CI-128’s backers mislead Montanans into thinking that abortion is a ticket to a woman’s freedom, health, and peace of mind. Nothing is further from the truth. Montana voters should demand better for women and children in our state. We must focus our efforts on supporting expecting mothers and welcoming unborn children into loving families in our communities so they can go on to experience fulfilling lives from kindergarten to old age. This fall is your opportunity to cast a decisive vote for protecting women and their children against this radical amendment.
Vote NO on CI-128.
Bozeman, Montana
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