Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Political Op-Ed: Tester's Lies

What a sorry state of affairs our political system has become. Running for office has always been a dirty, ugly business, but in all my years, I have not seen anything like the last ten years. The lies in the past have always been there. But this….wow. It’s so blatant. It’s so obvious.

Tester’s voting record: I never thought that auditing something was a bad idea, like auditing the Federal Reserve. Wouldn’t it be nice to know what we have in a bank? Yet, when it comes up, Tester votes against auditing the Federal Reserve. Why is that?

Every American should take supporting the First Amendment seriously. Freedom of speech is the pinnacle of our freedom. When there was a bill to prohibit federal funds from being used to label speech as disinformation or misinformation or to coerce an online platform or news media to censor speech that was disagreeable with the ruling class, Tester voted AGAINST it.

A bill was presented to restrict the FISA Act from spying on American citizens. FISA stands for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Did you notice the word “foreign”? As in, not a United States citizen? Tester voted against it. Montana Values?

Then there was the day Biden took office and ended the Keystone Pipeline. Biden ended more than 15,000 “good-paying Union Jobs” at the stroke of the pen. And that doesn’t take into account all the businesses those Union Employees visited. When the Senate tried to override the closure of the Keystone Pipeline, Tester fought against the override. Montana jobs??

When a bill was introduced to prohibit funding programs that allow men in women’s sports and bathrooms, Tester voted AGAINST it. Montana Values?

When a bill was introduced to stop sanctuary cities and protect the borders, Tester voted NO….twice. Montana security?

A bill for funding enhanced border detection of opioids and narcotics. Tester voted NO twice. Montana Values?

So, how about strengthening border policies and funding? No, we can’t do that. Tester voted NO not just once, not twice, but seven times. Montana values?

The nomination of three excellent Supreme Court justices: Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Gorsuch. Tester voted NO on each one. Montana Values? And, of course, you aren’t a good Pelosi Democrat unless you vote to impeach President Donald Trump.

Then there is his rating record with National Organizations. The ‘Counsel For Citizens Against Government Waste’ tracks fraud, mismanagement, abuse, and waste. They rate Tester at 16%. There is nothing better than wasting money watching shrimp on a treadmill. The National Taxpayer Union says they are the voice of the taxpayers, NTU rates Tester at 20%. One thing that a good Senate Democrat likes is your money. The Americans for Prosperity organization trains citizens to advocate for solutions and promotes libertarian policies. They were pretty generous, rating Tester at 28%. Heritage Action promotes self-governance and the flourishing of human life. Tester has earned a lifetime score of 8%. The average democrat senator earned a score of 11%. Eagle Forum promotes liberty, family values, and public virtues (I think of this as common decency) and rates him at 17%. If you go to their website, you can sign up for their newsletters and events, plus reports and alerts on political candidates. I recommend the Eagle Forum. And, of course, there is the National Rifle Association. The NRA was created back in 1871 for gun ownership training and protecting the Second Amendment. Without the NRA I am not sure what the second amendment would look like. The NRA doesn’t seem too impressed with Tester’s voting record as they have graded him with an F. And that doesn’t stand for Fun.

What does this say about Tester’s commercials on TV and in your mailbox? He supports the illegal invasion. He must support all the drugs, human trafficking and insecure voting as he wants the border wide open without even a bit of interest on who is stepping into the United States. He supports men in women’s sports and locker rooms. He supports gender mutilation of children. He supports removing the child from the family if the parents don’t agree with trans surgery. He doesn’t seem to mind the illegal immigrant gang crime wave. I haven’t heard anything from him about the 325,000+ illegal immigrant children the Biden administration has lost track of. I haven’t even heard anything about locating and removing the 300+ known illegal immigrants who are on a terror watch list.

Lies about Tim Sheehy are abundant. It’s easy to take a 30-second cut from a speech and misrepresent what they mean. I did this to my kids just to tease them. Sheehy will privatize healthcare! Ooh, scary. And a lie. Tim Sheehy and his wife have donated millions for Bozeman’s neonatal intensive care unit and a level 1 trauma center in Billings. The Trauma Center is the first in Montana and within a 550-mile radius. Sheehy will take away your abortion rights. Lie. It is already law in Montana for an abortion up to 22 weeks. Even in his campaign, he talks about exceptions for rape, incest, and health.

Oh no! He is going to take away private lands!! Well, no. If you want to see who is tying up the land, look to the Democrats, the expansions of Federal Parks, and the establishment of areas like the National Prairie Reserve—a program that is buying up land from eastern Montana to Nebraska.

Let’s not forget Tester’s warning about Tim Sheehy being in Big Pharma’s back pocket. In reality, John Tester is listed as receiving the most Lobbyist cash. (I think a lobbyist needs to be shown the door). One of Tester’s 2006 campaign promises was to post on his line any lobbyist encounters for full transparency. Ummm. Nope.

I hope by now you get the idea that Tester is NOT about Montana Values. Even his recent ad claiming that what the ads are saying about him is: A lie is a lie.


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