Dear Editor
Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. Put your money where your mouth is. Another one is that “less is more,” but Senator Tester believes that more is more. Try watching a TV show without 15+ ads in an hour bashing his opponent as being a “rich out-of-stater” as the reason housing prices are so high.
Unaffordable housing has been an issue for the last 25 years. Back then it was the Californians, Texans, Ted Turner, or the millionaires in Big Sky, not to mention the influx of movie stars. Has this become Senator Tester’s focal point only because of his opponent? What if he were also a dirt farmer, (with a net worth of 3 million like Senator Tester) would this be a talking point? If Tester is truly looking out for Montana, why hasn’t the senator done something earlier? The proposed $15,000 tax credit sounds good, but do the math. A person would need to earn $105,000 income to have a tax liability of $15,000. How does that help those earning less, much less? The flipside to high housing costs is the seller. Aren’t they the ones truly profiting from higher prices? And who gives a rat’s behind how many homes Tim Sheehy owns? If he has the money, let him buy them. Senator Tester’s ads reek with envy, covetousness and a double standard like from the woman saying Montana is a live and let live state, but not liking how Mr. Sheehy is living.
Whitehall, Montana
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