Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Whitehall Resident Puts "Sheriff on Notice" and is "Tired and Mad"

At the October meeting of the Whitehall Town Council, held Monday, October 21, in the Town Hall Chambers, resident Stanley Olsen spoke his mind about current situations within the town and “put the sheriff on notice.” Olsen said he was fed up with the lack of attention the sheriff’s department gives Whitehall and the lack of training they receive.

“The lowest form of life is a dirty cop, and I also equate that to a lazy cop,” Olsen said. Olsen said ordinances are not being followed nor maintained by our contracted police. Olsen mentioned a known person living in their vehicle along Legion Street who he has had altercations with, as well as a “crack house” that runs its generators at all hours of the day and night and has multiple RVs with tenants living in them on the property.

“We need to protect the citizens of this town from people like this and probably also from our incompetent sheriff.”

Olsen’s daughter, Lakota DiNapoli, lives next to said “crack house.” Numerous noise complaints have been made, and she has been told it is a “civic matter that must be addressed with the town first.” She was also told if she didn’t like it, she should find another place to live.

“I love my home, I love my landlords....We need to know what the responsibilities of the sheriff’s department are and are not. Help us. That’s all we want is help,” DiNapoli said.

As this was all divulged during Public Comment, the Town Council could neither comment nor debate any issues.


The TIF Board approved $1620 for the Whitehall Chamber to waterproof the murals, $2,000 for bell tower lighting, $30,000 for the re-siding of Fire Hall, $500 for the Town Christmas tree in the park, $400 for Amber Columbo's blight cleanup, and $5,000 for landscaping around Sunlight Learning Center, matched by Golden Sunlight Mine.


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