Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: When will the insanity stop?

Dear Editor,

When will the insanity stop?

How does a long-time Washington bureaucrat make housing more affordable? According to Jon Tester, the solution is to create another program to offer a qualified group of people low-interest loans or tax credits. Ask yourself: How does this make housing more affordable, and where does this money come from? Do we keep printing it and pass the debt on to future generations? The US government is already 35 ½ trillion dollars in debt. Consumers continue to incur record credit card debt, struggling to keep up with the cost of food, taxes, and utilities. Isn't it credit and interest piled on that credit that's the basis of the problem to begin with? People buying property in Montana at outrageous prices are only doing what comes naturally – protecting what little value their dollar still has by investing in something that's real and tangible.

Prior to the credit-driven economy facilitated by FIAT currency, this was accomplished by the use of gold as money, hence the historical rise of gold prices today. Over 150 countries are awakening to the reality that something's got to give by wanting to join the BRICS summit, which wants to abandon the US dollar credit limit. So, what does this have to do with how you vote? If this problem hasn't been solved in 17 years and continues to get worse, what makes you think that another four years of the same people being in office will change that?


Whitehall, Montana


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