Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: In Support of Lynch and Bidegaray

Dear Editor,

Lynch and Bidegaray will protect our freedoms. Montanans have an opportunity to elect two experienced and independent justices to the Montana Supreme Court who will respect the Montana Constitution and protect our constitutional rights. They are Jeremiah Lynch and Katherine Bidegaray.

Jeremiah Lynch, a Butte native and federal court magistrate for 13 years, is running for the Chief Justice of the Montana Supreme Court. He has what it takes to be our Chief Justice, having served as a law clerk for former Chief Justice Paul Hatfield.

Lynch had a private law practice for 10 years. He served on the Montana Board of Public Education and the Montana Board of Environmental Review. In total, he has served the public for 28 years. That service gives him a broad understanding of issues that affect Montanans. 

Lynch says, “I have only one purpose: to protect the 1972 Montana State Constitution.” That includes protecting our right to privacy and women’s rights to make decisions about their own bodies without government interference. “Independence, impartiality, and integrity” are the keystones of his campaign.

Also on the ballot for Montana Supreme Court this November is Katherine Bidegaray. A Sidney, Montana native, Bidegaray has served as a judge for more than 20 years. She is currently a District Court Judge in eastern Montana. 

Like Lynch, Bidegaray will respect the Montana State Constitution without partisanship. She also opposes government interference in personal medical decisions. Both Lynch and Bidegaray emphasize the need to keep partiality and partisan politics out of the courtroom.

Katherine Bidegaray describes her candidacy as “rooted in a firm commitment to the rule of law.” She also stands for “fairness, respect, and impartiality.”

To learn more, visit and Then mark your ballot for Jeremiah Lynch and Katherine Bidegaray to keep a free and fair Montana Supreme Court.


Boulder, Montana


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