Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Rotarians Help Whitehall Food Pantry

Members of the Whitehall Rotary Club delivered much appreciated cases of canned food to the Whitehall Food Pantry last week.

All of the canned goods were purchased by the club at Jefferson Fresh Foods. The Rotary club has been helping the Food Pantry for many years in various ways including monetary donations, case goods donations, and helping deliver food baskets at Christmas time for some of the people who do not have a means of picking up a basket on their own.

The club holds regular meetings, usually on the first two Tuesdays of each month, at the Trinity Methodist Church at 4:45 PM. Meeting dates may vary based on holidays or service projects. The Club was chartered 80 years ago and has been conducting various community service projects ever since. For additional information, visit the club website at


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