Dear Editor,
Will Montana be the next Epstein Island?
Montanans should be cautious about what they vote for. Ads supporting CI-128 lead voters to believe that this initiative will give women the right to “make and carry out decisions about one’s own pregnancy, including the right to an abortion.” Women in Montana already have that right.
However, they are leaving out critical information of what this bill will allow. If successful, CI-128 would establish an island of protection, via a constitutional amendment, for sex and drug traffickers that would make Jeffrey Epstein look like an amateur. Young girls who are trafficked and become pregnant will be provided with an abortion, no questions asked, letting the traffickers completely off the hook by giving them protection and privacy. CI-128 will also take away the rights of parents in that young girls who become pregnant will not need parental consent for an abortion.
In the full text of this bill, “any healthcare professional” will be able to decide if an abortion is necessary to save the mother’s life or if the baby is viable. This could be incredibly dangerous and life-threatening for the mother. In addition, CI-128 creates more of an opportunity for late-term and partial-birth abortions. The evil people behind this plan are masters of deception, using emotional issues and vague language regarding unwanted pregnancies to accomplish their multi-billion-dollar, tax-funded empire. It has always been said that Montana is the “last best place.”
As a voter, it is up to you to decide for whom this is true. Do you want Montana to be the “last best place” to raise our children and grandchildren or a safe haven for drug and sex traffickers who grow rich by destroying the lives of innocent children and their families? CI-128 is a bad idea for Montana!
Whitehall, Montana
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