Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Bridging the Gap Between National Suicide Prevention Month & National Service Dog Month

Montana has consistently ranked among the top three states for deaths by suicide over the past 40 years. Among our veteran population, the numbers fluctuate but remain nearly double the national average per capita. Unfortunately, we may never know the exact figures due to how the Veterans Administration calculates these statistics. While the numbers are alarming, it's even more concerning how the Veterans Administration addresses these needs, often relying heavily on medication. This approach lacks the critical support that can make a tangible difference in veterans' lives.

September brings together the recognition of two essential topics central to Dog Tag Buddies' mission: National Suicide Prevention Month and National Service Dog Month. You may wonder how these two issues are connected. The answer is simple yet profound-one can help prevent the other, particularly within our veteran community.

Multiple studies, both in the United States and abroad, have shown that veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) who receive service dogs report decreased suicidal thoughts. In fact, having a service dog has been shown to prevent suicide. A study by the Veterans Administration also found that veterans paired with service dogs experienced less suicidal ideation and improved mental health.

Dog Tag Buddies, a Montana-based non-profit organization, has developed a program dedicated to helping veterans lead more fulfilling lives by training and building relationships with service dogs. This approach helps veterans recognize and manage the symptoms of their hidden injuries, discourages self-isolation, and fosters a renewed sense of purpose. Their mission is to provide a comprehensive therapeutic program that enhances daily living and social mobility for veterans with the invisible wounds of war, ultimately contributing to a healthier community, improved mental health, and reduced suicide rates.

Dog Tag Buddies' program intersects suicide prevention and service dogs by leveraging the healing power of service dogs to help veterans identify their triggers and challenges. By training the dogs and teaching veterans the skills needed to navigate their difficulties, they empower them to face their challenges head-on rather than retreat or isolate. Through the two-year program, veterans learn to build a working relationship with their service dog, which often results in them becoming better spouses, parents, employees, and community members. The ripple effect is significant, leading to improved lives not only for veterans but for those around them.

To remove barriers for veterans, Dog Tag Buddies ensures participation across the state by strategically placing trainers so veterans do not have to travel more than two hours for weekly training sessions. The program is provided at no cost to veterans or their families.

To celebrate this momentous month, support our mission, and ensure we can continue offering these vital services, Dog Tag Buddies has several community events throughout the month, culminating with their 3rd Annual Celebrity Chef Gala with Chef Andre Rush. This extraordinary event will take place at the Northern Hotel in Billings, Montana, on October 5th and will feature a gourmet five-course meal with paired beverages, live and silent auctions, and an inspiring talk by Chef Rush about his personal journey.

To purchase tickets, view their calendar of events, learn more about Dog Tag Buddies, or make a donation, please visit or call (406)969-1227.


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