Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana
I read Don Lepinsky's op-ed with great awe. Amazing. Capable of analytical thought? Distressing? Feel-good talking points? Oh my!
Now, I realize Don is a hardcore Democrat. The proof is in talking to him and his ridiculous sign by the Interstate. I have had many discussions with him, and we are always civil. The one thing that had always bothered me was that I would give him facts and where to find them on the internet, but I don’t think he ever looked them up.
But his op-ed. It is so full of it that I can not let it be.
The first thing that made my jaw drop was the claim a Republican goal has been to allow Social Security to go broke. I have listened to this lie the Democrats use for a campaign talking point since probably about the 1970s. If you want an interesting deep dive, check out the history of S.S. and see how the southern Democrats kept it from the black side of the population. Some place along the line, some Republican official probably mentioned how he disagrees with social security and would like to let it go broke. The Democrat party latched right on to that and campaigned on it. Much like what they are doing now with Sheehy’s thoughts toward federal health insurance. Does he think that way? Might be. I don’t care. But he can not change the government. It’s a lot like the several Democrats that believe abortion should be legal even after birth. (Law calls that murder). While there are a few who believe that, does that label all Democrats? Nonsense. I don’t think Don believes that, either.
Saving Social Security is not a mystery. Quit giving it to individuals who haven’t earned it. Look it up and read the laws and the exceptions introduced over the years. In some places, it will blow your mind. The same goes for welfare, Medicaid, and Medicare.
But then, you would lose that ‘feel good feeling.’ At least cut off the millions of illegal immigrants that are here now. (Thank you, Biden/Harris). And there is his spin on inflation. What was it like when Biden/Harris took control? 1.4%.
Biden and his advisors immediately raised it to 9% and then bragged about it being only 5%, then 4%, then 3%. Except that 3% is added to the 4%, the 5%, and the 9%. The cost of things is 25% to 50% higher now than when Biden/Harris crossed the White House threshold. Don would have you believe it’s because of COVID logistics problems. (There’s another story.)
He quotes, "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of a religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Except, of course, when it interferes with the education of our children. I find it interesting that Don uses the free speech clause to qualify silencing religion. Let’s not forget that Obama’s government encouraged the Muslim religion in our schools.
The Dept. of Education spends more per student than any other nation, yet the World Competitiveness Center ranked us 12th out of 81 countries. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has the United States 16th in science and 34th in math. This was in 2022. It will be interesting to see what it is at the end of 2024 after all the DEI and males in female sports nonsense. Do away with the Dept. of Education? Revamp the Dept. of Education. Get rid of all the policies and regulations that have nothing to do with education. Reduce the size of administration and unelected bureaucrats so that teachers can earn what they are worth.
And then there is immigration. I have listened to politicians use immigration and the border for decades to campaign for office. But once they get elected, nothing. And why would they? If they fixed the border, they couldn’t use it for a campaign talking point.
Donald Trump was the only person who actually did what he said he would do. Since Biden/Harris took office, our country has been flooded with millions of unknown, uninvestigated individuals worldwide. Hundreds of known terrorists have been allowed into our country. Murderous gangs have set up shop in our nation’s cities.
And then there is the wonderful bi-partisan border bill agreed upon by both sides. Three Republicans signing on does not make it bipartisan. Supposedly, Trump had it killed.
And if it took him speaking out to kill it, I would like to buy him a beer. (Yes, I am that cheap). This agreement would shut the border after 5000 people crossed it. How? Do you seriously think Border Control will have the time and ability to interview and investigate these 5000 individuals? Once they hit 5000, how does shutting the border work? Do you stand on the border and say go back; we are full for today? I’m not that stupid.
The Republicans introduced a real immigration plan (HR2), and of course, it sits on Senate Leader Schumer’s (Dem) desk, collecting dust.
I really got a kick out of the part where Don says the Republicans have lost the moral high ground, considering that the leaders of the Democrat party have become the party of men/boys in women/girls’ sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms. The party of genital surgery in children 12 or younger for gender transition. The party of open borders. The party of political lawfare. And I don’t just mean trying to jail your political opposition. The Dems have stooped so low as to jail American citizens for praying at abortion centers.
There was a time when if you disagreed with LGBTQ books in schools, the FBI put you on a domestic terrorist list. Tulsi Gabbard switched from Democrat to Independent and is now on a TSA list.
Address gun violence? Do you think banning semi-automatic rifles will make a difference? If the Dems truly wanted to make a difference, they would remove the soft part of soft target.
Fence schools and arm the guards. But then, if that happened, the Democrats would lose a talking point for campaigning. How caring is that?
There was so much propaganda, lies, and misdirection in Don’s op-ed that I felt I was reading an article written by Nancy Pelosi. (Don’t jail me, Nancy; it's just a feeling.)
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