Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Almost Witnessed a Catastrophe

Dear Editor and Whitehall residents,

As I saw the terrible car accidents in Bozeman that killed two people and a dog on a sidewalk, I and three other people were coming out of the K-Bar cafe on August 8th, about 3:15 PM. We saw a bright yellow car traveling west to east on Legion Avenue, going about 60 MPH. At the crosswalk by the railroad tracks on the south side of Division and Legion, two people started to step out to cross with the fast-coming car headed their way. We saw they jumped back; the man works here at the WSA, the lady I do not know. The people with me at the cafe said words I can't say here in this paper.

The car raced down Legion, and I think it turned on the street by the car wash or closer to Valley Bank. I didn't have my phone, so I could have gotten a picture of the car. But the worst problem is that we folks could have seen a terrible accident on that corner of a crosswalk because a driver never stopped to let those people cross.

You wonder where the police cars were. I know they can't be parked on the street at all times, but us folks sure wish they were. I think God that the couple stepped back very quickly at the crosswalk.

I haven't seen that car since as I don't spend a lot of time in town except to the K-Bar and the post office, then I head home.


Whitehall, Montana


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