Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Weight Loss Program Available at Whitehall Medical

Whitehall Medical Clinic is launching a wellness and weight management program—an excellent opportunity to lose weight through healthy means. While the clinic continues to offer wellness exams, bloodwork, EKGs, and x-rays when appropriate, it now has several options to help patients manage their weight and feel better about their health.

The most recent addition to their services is a group of medicines in the family of GLP-1 (glucose like peptid) agonist. These medications mimic the GLP-1 hormone our bodies make naturally. While this family of medicines have been used previously to treat diabetes, they have recently been looked at closely as weight loss tools. The most familiar ones are Ozempic (semaglitide) and Moonjauro (tirzepitide), also marketed as Wegovy and Zempep, respectively.

Both semaglitide and tirzepitide help appropriate people with weight loss. These medications are obtained from an FDA-approved compounding pharmacy; the program starts with a visit to your local provider. A metabolic blood panel may be needed; however, if bloodwork has been completed recently, this may be possible to use.

While the initial visit and monthly consults may be charged to insurance, the medication cost is not covered. However, Whitehall Medical Clinic can provide the generic version, which makes the medicine much more cost-effective. The starting dose for semaglitide is $195 a month; tirzepitide is $295 a month.

If it is decided the treatment is the right fit, the medicine is given by weekly shots at the clinic with a nurse. Monthly follow-ups with the provider will be made to assess progress, discuss any side effects, and make dosing adjustments.

“I’m more excited for this than for any other weight loss treatment plan we’ve offered,” said Dr. Steve Sacry, of Whitehall Medical Clinic. “It is really helpful in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle and diet. The slow stomach emptying helps us not feel hungry again so soon, and the mads send satiety signals to the brain.”

For more information on Whitehall Medical Clinic’s wellness and weight management program, call 406-287-3003 today.


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