Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 9/4/2024

If alcohol were discovered today, it would be made an illegal substance.

No matter how accurate a historical drama is, it will always be ruined by a perfect Hollywood smile.

When was the last time you blinked in a dream?

Most superheroes couldn’t eat fast enough to maintain their caloric needs.

Sub-par golf is a good thing.

The best time to correct someone for mispronouncing your name is the first time; the next best time is never.

The easier it became to make ice, the faster the polar ice caps started to melt.

Since it happened 23 years ago, about 30% of the US population is too young never to forget September 11th.

August feels like Sunday on a grand scale.

True attraction is the thrill of mutual comfortable excitement, and true love is the excitement of mutual comfortable boredom.

Even some plants don’t like being vegan.

Email addresses with unadulterated first and last names (no punctuation or numbers) will probably dwindle and die out with millennials.

If you’re happy when people think you’re older than you are, you’re still young. If you’re happy when people think you’re younger than you are, you’re old.

Once upon a time, a dinosaur was going about business on a random Wednesday, September 4th, at 4:52 PM.

Among all the other first-world nations, Americans have the most deterrent and least incentive to be obese due to the lack of universal healthcare.

Flopping must make soccer medics’ jobs much more work than they need to be.

What types of clothes someone wants for their birthday is probably significantly influenced by what time of year their birthday is.

You can’t draw words or letters; you can only write them in a more or less artistic way.

Robbers of the future will be cracking 12-24 random words on a USB instead of a combination on a safe.

House hunting shows are becoming increasingly unbearable as houses become more difficult to acquire.

RoboCop is a law-abiding serial killer.

Fungi are closer to animals than they are to plants.

COVID-19 did away with coughing to get someone’s attention politely.


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