It is so nice to have the weather a bit cooler, but it makes Fall seem right around the corner. We are working on September calendars, and they will be out at the end of August. They will be packed with all sorts of crafts, book clubs, special events, story times, and more.
The Rockhounding group will meet at the library on August 19th at 5:30 PM. This group is for anyone interested in geology, rock identification, fossils, and field trips to collect samples. It is free and open to the public.
On Tuesday, August 20th, the Mystery Book Club will meet at 5 PM to discuss the latest in new who-done-it mysteries. This group covers classic mysteries, series, cozy mysteries, procedurals, and more, so there is something for everyone.
The Folk Art painting class has finished for the summer. Joan will start another class in January. If you would like to join the class, register at the front desk so we have enough supplies for everyone to paint.
The library will be closed for Labor Day on September 2nd but will be open during regular hours for the rest of the week. The County sets the library's closure schedule and doesn't necessarily follow the Federal closing date. We are not closed for the June holiday, which means there are more days for summer reading programs. Unless a holiday falls on a weekend or is one where there have traditionally been almost no patrons, the library is open on a regular schedule the rest of the week. Thanksgiving, for example, is a holiday the library will always be closed on Thursday and Friday, especially since you can see most of the population in our area in Bozeman hitting all of the early Christmas sales!
For those who like to keep count, over 200 participants enjoyed the Summer Reading Program this year. I haven't finished adding all the registrations yet, but the last count was 204. It was a great program, and everyone enjoyed the visitors and guest performers we had come to share their talents. I want to thank Kristin Wirth and Lynnsey Moen for the wonderful summer program they run through the Whitehall School. It takes a lot of work to get that many children to the library every week so they can enjoy the wizards, magicians, puppeteers, and other programs we provide. Thank you so much for all you do!
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