Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 7/17/2024

You pay for many holes on your belt but only ever realistically use one to two.

If you start a job on a Monday, your 10-year company anniversary will fall on a Saturday or Sunday, no matter how the leap years fall.

Many modern advancements in transportation technology seem like they’re intended to recreate the train without anyone noticing.

People complain about life not being fair only if it’s negative to them, but people don’t realize that life not being fair can be positive for them as well.

On the road, you’re constantly reminded how uneven the earth is.

For a lion, eating a pregnant zebra probably feels like finding an extra nugget in your meal.

If ghosts were real, most European and Asian homes would be haunted.

Medicine is a real-life monkey's paw. It will cure you, but at the cost of the side effects.

Every popular person, place, or thing will eventually go the way of the dinosaurs.

There are so many strange, great food combinations that the best ones have likely not even been considered.

Every summer, there is a firefly that is the last of its kind to be alive and lighting up.

Cooked carrots taste like lesser carrots.

We humans hate sharing, but we can't share it quickly enough when it comes to a pack of gum.

Your dream being cut short is your brain’s attempt at cliffhangers.

If bacon was challenging to farm but caviar was easy, putting bacon on food would be an extravagant millionaire thing.

9 to 5 is twice as long as 5 to 9.

Atlas is the most outstanding powerlifter of all time.

Manners are essentially filters we apply to our minds.

The work-from-home movement was probably both the best and worst thing to happen to functional alcoholics.

A cashless society will disproportionately affect beggars and buskers.

Given how old legends are often revealed to be true in fantasy stories, fictional characters seem to lack imagination.

Boomers have better lives than their parents and their children.


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