Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Town CouncilNext Two Weeks Busy for Town and Volunteers

With Whitehall’s first official PRCA Rodeo this weekend, followed by Whitehall’s Annual Frontier Days event kicking off Thursday, July 25th, with the Whitehall Chamber Community Appreciation BBQ, the next two weeks will be busy for all.

At the July meeting of the Whitehall Town Council, held Monday, July 15th at 7 PM in the Town Chambers, road closures, event planning, and open container permits were the main topics of discussion.


• Larissa Boyd Concert (PRCA Rodeo Street Dance):

- Main Street from Legion to the alley - Saturday, July 20th at 5 PM until 11 PM.

• Frontier Days:

Main Street from Legion to the alley will be closed from Friday, July 26th, at 8 AM until Sunday, July 28th, at 2 AM. Residents, please remove your vehicles before 8 AM on Friday.

Division Street from Legion to the alley will be closed from Saturday, July 27th, at 10 AM until Sunday, July 28th, at 2 AM. Residents, please remove your vehicles before 10 AM on Saturday.

- Legion Avenue (Highway 2) from Division to Whitehall Street - Saturday, July 26th at 10 AM to Sunday, July 27th at 2 AM.

- An open container permit has been obtained for Friday, July 26th at 10 AM until Sunday, July 28th at 2 AM.


• The TA grant being used for the sidewalks replacement will no longer be used to fund sidewalks on First Street near the Ranta residence and Torgerson residence. The Town will instead use TIF money to update these spaces. The TA sidewalk project will not have engineering complete for installation this year, but the sidewalks on this area of First Street will be updated as soon as possible.

• The Council tabled a request from the Court Clerk for a 20% contract payment increase, stating that they would like to see a workload that warrants this large of a pay increase, as most employees receive 2-3% increases.

• PULSE donated a refrigerator to the Whitehall Community Pool to store free lunches available during the summer. Pod Moriarty joined the Pool Board and recommended adding Krystin Slater to the board pending.


• Water Credits: $144.98 to 508 Valley View, $82.36 to 108 E First.

• Planning Board: Clara Dux (511 West Legion) Fence approved; Tanya Johnson (107 S Main) Playhouse/shed approved; Bridget Morse (10 W First) Fence approved; Joel Andrews (*416 N Noble) Fence approved with height adjustments; Will Austin (105 S Whitehall) Addition to structure approved; and Wes Myhre submitted his resignation from the Planning Board, due to his move to Madison County.

• Business licenses approved: Bunk House Interoris, Piece of Crepe, and Wyo Underground.

The next meeting of the Town Council will be Monday, August 19th at 7 PM in the Town Hall Chambers.


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