Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Get Ready for 2nd Annual Frontier Days World Record Competition

Calling all competitors! Have we got some fun lined up for you! The Whitehall Chamber of Commerce and the Frontier Days Committee are excited to announce the 2nd Annual FRONTIER DAYS WORLD RECORD COMPETITION.

We’ve taken world records and given them a Frontier Days spin! The showdown will happen Saturday, July 27th at 3 PM on the Main Street Green’s stage.

Your task, if you choose to accept this challenge: Put together a team of four, see the challenges listed, and get practicing! Each team member will be responsible for three challenges, so pick your team wisely. Prizes include cash prizes, Chamber Bucks, gift certificates, and more! Last year’s top winners walked away with $600! Register your team with the Chamber at 406-287-2260 or, cost is $15 per team!

Want a REAL challenge? Tackle this list ON YOUR OWN and you could become the FRONTIER DAYS RECORD HOLDER!

Last year’s challenges were a blast to watch...what will we think up for this year? Stay tuned!


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