Dear Editor,
Spend, spend, spend...
On June 4th, Steve Antonioli received an email from the Town office stating that he could not do anything (using Pool Pals, Inc. – a 501(c)(3) funds) at the pool without the Town Council's approval. Did the Council members approve that email, or was this later rubber-stamped? Steve was four days from having the pool ready to open. He turned in his resignation from the Pool Board effective immediately. The Town then spent $2000 to have someone else finish the pool preparation.
Does the Council know what the Mayor and Town Treasurer are doing, or don't they care?
Steve and Nancy Antonioli have volunteered at the pool for over 24 years (including the years working to have this pool as a replacement for the former pool), and many times, the supplies were at their own expense.
At the public comment presentation of the situation (at the last Council meeting), the Council sat like bumps on a log. I think they were dumbfounded by the situation, just like they hadn't heard anything about it (public comment or not, there was NO reaction from the Mayor or Council.)
Were all other volunteer organizations emailed the same information at the same time? Are the Clerk and the Mayor scrambling to cover their backsides, or was this additional spending rubber-stamped and never brought up, discussed, and passed by the Council?
I think it's time for some new Council members who know what is happening and stand up to the spend-spend Mayor.
Council members, get your heads out and stand up for the Town – not the rubber-stamp Mayor.
I just can't understand why other Town members are not speaking up about continuing this BS overreach of 501(c)(3) funds.
Council members, please be an individual and not a group. Stand up for what job you think is best for the Town, not the rubber stamp.
Whitehall, Montana
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