Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: End of Times?

Dear Editor,

Are we truly in the End Times?

With the shape of politics these days, the economy, and well, you know...PEOPLE, sometimes, one might be hard-pressed to disagree with the bible believers who insist that "the End is nigh!"

Bringing it home, so to speak, one might hear rumors floating around, with all the changes happening to our little town, that Whitehall is becoming a ghost town! As you know, the proof is in the pudding! Personal perception, however, is another matter. Some people seem to believe that these changes will bring the end of Whitehall as we know it (I say, BRING IT!) Others understand that these changes are actually GOOD for Whitehall!

Some might have noticed that Whitehall DOES seem to be in a bit of a slump, especially in certain areas. But there again, personal perception comes into play. What people perceive to be true, more often than not, becomes their truth.

IS Whitehall becoming a ghost town? If certain people believe that it is, it will be for them! Change is difficult, no doubt, but without change, Whitehall likely WILL become what they fear: another small rural Montana town gone the way of the 8-track, with random tumbleweeds blowing down our dusty main streets. (Wait...?)

But seriously, changes (for the better) are happening all over our little town. At first glance, these changes might make some of us cringe and prepare for the worst. But to those with long-term vision, these same changes present us with the opportunity to do better, to BE better!

Can we do better? I'm pretty sure that almost everyone in Whitehall would say YES, especially concerning water quality, burgeoning water bills, the plumbing issues we seem plagued with, etc.

Although most seem content to leave these changes up to the official town employees, there ARE certain things that we as ordinary citizens CAN do! Not only can we do OUR part by keeping our yard clean, so to speak, but we can also develop a better attitude toward the changes that are happening and the changes that are coming. Even better, we can BE the change we wish to see in Whitehall!


Whitehall, Montana


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