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WMS Business Class Tackles Graphic Design & Stock Market

The Whitehall Middle/High School Business and Computers class participated in two contests during the second semester. One involved designing a logo, and the other involved a stock market game. Teacher Lincoln Leary has provided a recap of the events.

The owners of Robertson Farms in Shelby, Montana, were looking for a new logo and approached Leary in January, wondering if there was a student who wanted to design their logo. The class had a lot of interest among the students, and Leary turned it into an assignment/contest. Out of the 70 entries, Robertson Farms chose Corban Slater’s design. Corban used Canva to design his logo. He was rewarded with a $50 Visa gift card.

The second contest was the Stock Market Game. Every year, the Montana Council for Economic Education puts on the Stock Market Game for middle and high school students. Every team gets a hypothetical $100,000 to invest in the stock market, which is based directly on the real stock market. The teams are then ranked by the growth of their portfolios.

Glacier Banks covered this year’s entry fees statewide. Cash and gift card prizes were also awarded to teams covered by Glacier Banks, First Security Bank Bozeman, Valley Bank of Helena, First Security Bank Missoula, First Bank of Montana, and Western Security Bank. Gabe Hildreth and Elijah Horton placed in the Top 15 out of 575 teams. They were the highest-placed Class B school team, winning each of them a $25 Visa Gift Card.

Leary said, “These three individuals killed it this semester!”


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