For those who like to be in the know, the Jefferson County Library Board meeting has been canceled for this month. Meetings will resume as usual in July on the third Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM. The Whitehall Community Library shares a board with Boulder, so the meetings alternate between the two towns. The meetings are always open to the public.
Summer Reading continues to grow; next week, we will have two special presentations. Nao Fukumoto will be here on Wednesday, June 26th, at 10:30 AM for our normal program, and then at 2 PM, she will share a traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony for older children and adults. This is a beautiful Japanese tradition, and it is not often it is presented in Montana. Nao is a teacher with the JOI exchange program. She is spending a year in the United States, and we are honored to have her come and share her heritage with us.
Eric Beal from Montana Veterans Affairs will be here on Wednesday, June 26th, at 1:30 PM to assist any veteran or spouse of a veteran with questions, needs, awards, health services, etc. You may make an appointment or just come and visit with him. Eric can sign people up for programs they may not even know exist to help with different needs.
History Book Club will meet on Monday, June 24, at 6 PM. This month, they are discussing the biography of anyone in history they are interested in. The group chooses next month’s topic as a group, so everyone has input into the selections. Subjects may include a country, event, person, time period, or cultural phenomenon. Everyone is welcome to join at any time, so come and discuss world events throughout history.
The Holocaust Book Discussion Group will meet on Thursday, June 27th, at 6 PM.
This ongoing group covers not only all aspects of the Holocaust during the Second World War but also how it relates to the events in the world today.
Lunches are here, and serving time is 11:30 AM to 1 PM. Anyone is welcome to come and pick up a free lunch with no questions or paperwork. The more meals we serve, the stronger the guarantee the program will continue, so come and have lunch with us!
The library will be closed for the holiday on Thursday, July 4th. We will be open the rest of the week at regular times. There will be no lunches on the 4th as the staff will be off both in Butte and at the library. Lunches will be served the rest of the week at regular times.
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