Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Hunter, Bowhunter and Trapper Education Events Scheduled in Southwestern Montana

Several classes and field days for Hunter, Bowhunter and Trapper Education students have been scheduled in southwestern Montana.

Hunter and Bowhunter Education students can take a course online or in-person. Online students under age 18 must also complete an in-person field day. Trapper Education includes an online course and an in-person field day for all students. To learn more about age requirements for these courses, visit In-person classes are free, and preregistration is required for all events. Students must complete the online course before they can register for an in-person field day.

The following Hunter Education courses are scheduled in the region:

• West Yellowstone classroom course: starting June 10

• Logan field day for online students: June 25

• Logan classroom course: starting July 15

• Gardiner field day for online students: July 20

• Livingston classroom course: starting Aug. 1

• Bozeman classroom course: starting Aug. 19

• Logan field day for online students: Aug. 24

The following Bowhunter Education courses are scheduled in the region:

• Helena field day for online students: June 15

• Helena classroom course: starting June 28.

The following Trapper Education field days are scheduled in the region:

• Butte: June 22

• Livingston: Aug. 23

More courses are scheduled in other areas of the state. To see a full list of course offerings or to sign up, visit

Hunter, Bowhunter and Trapper Education classes are taught by skilled volunteer instructors, offering hands-on practice with hunting and trapping equipment. Students learn how to handle firearms, archery and trapping equipment safely, basic survival skills, hunting ethics, wildlife management, game identification, landowner-hunter relations, and Montana hunting laws and regulations.

To learn more about becoming a volunteer instructor,visit


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