First-person camera perspective is surprisingly uncommon in movies and TV shows.
Real empaths usually don’t tell people they’re empaths.
Being at work is the closest most people will ever get to being in prison.
A direct correlation exists between how crazy a person is and how many bumper stickers they have.
People with addiction cannot stop. In contrast, people with depression cannot start.
Most drinking establishments on TV are well-lit, relatively quiet, and do not have drunk people—the exact opposite of reality.
The older you get, the more hilarious scary movies get.
Because of AI, many people no longer believe that an image is genuine unless they see credit for the creator, which may be one of the most positive contributions that AI has made to the art community.
Every phone is a payphone.
It’s hard to cry when you want to cry; it’s hard not to cry when you don’t want to.
Xylophones and zebras get outsized mentions in the English language from kids learning their alphabet.
Most living things prefer the coastline, whether in the ocean or the land.
People care about character growth in stories but don’t care about average people failing or succeeding.
People more often than not confuse disliking something with that thing being bad/flawed.
A phenom is someone phenomenal, but we pronounce the words differently.
A lifelong dog lover typically has four dogs throughout their adult life. One can measure a person’s age by their dog number.
For most people, the next major event focused on them after their wedding will be their funeral.
‘Not Safe For Work’ is an unnecessarily specific way of saying that something contains adult or sensitive content.
Salary is the employer's monthly subscription to the employee.
“Titan” is often associated with a large mass, but one of titanium’s main qualities is its small mass per unit volume.
There are two types of people: those who lift their legs up to itch them and those who bend down to itch their legs.
Your body is an interface, constantly taking in matter and excreting it.
The body seeks routine while the mind seeks new stimuli.
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