Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

FFA Thanks You For the Support

FFA THANKS YOU FOR THE SUPPORT: When we first rechartered our chapter, we knew there would be many hills to climb without knowing anything. Our officer team was going in completely blind, from not knowing how to run a meeting to running our very first Whitehall FFA chapter banquet in 30 years. This team did an amazing job. Let alone we had some incredible members who stepped up and helped the whole way. We had several members compete throughout the year who did phenomenally well for the little time we did have to practice.

Then our very first State Convention we were all terrified not knowing what it was going to be like, then our incredible team made a statement with having a poultry team place 4th, a 1st high individual in ATMS, and a few members placing 25th and 28th in livestock judging! We also had a group of boys decide a month before the State Convention to build a smoker trailer. With the help of some amazing people and many long hours, they entered the J.A.M. show and brought home Reserve in the trailer division!

Thank you to our incredible ag teacher, Ms. Jordayne Miller. She walked into this year blindly, not knowing how to run her very first ag program. Not only did she excel in making this year go as smoothly as possible, but she was able to open so many doors for us members. We could have never gotten to put on a Chapter Banquet without her awesome help! We are all very excited to see what this next year will bring us!


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