Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Rebuttal on Rank Choice Voting

Dear Editor,

Good Wednesday, Jefferson County. This is a little note about last week's letter to the editor trying to mislead on Rank Choice Voting.

The writer stated that I misrepresented Ballotpedia's explanation of rank-choice voting, saying we would only vote once as usual. He stated that the only thing that would be required is multiple tabulations and instant run-offs.

How do you get multiple tabulations and instant run-offs? It seems to me you must vote.

Nothing is wrong with the system except that the amount spent should be capped. Especially at the national level. When you have two parties that can spend unlimited money, those who are independent of the party get silenced in the noise. I don't believe in SuperPacs or Special Interest being able to donate. Nor do I agree that Corporations should be allowed to donate. For a more level playing field, I believe only taxpaying American citizens should be allowed to donate and vote. You can only be sure of that by requiring an I.D. He also claims that CI 126 and CI 127 are moot points because the legislature has made rank-choice voting illegal. Yes, there is a law against it. Except if it becomes part of the Montana constitution, that makes the law moot. And that is what those pushing CI 126 and CI multiple tabulations and instant run-offs 127 are hoping for.

Rank Choice Voting will further complicate a system that those in power have already muddied up.

On another note, before you cast a vote for replacing Rosendale's vacant congressional seat, I urge you to look over the smaller-name candidates, like Stacy Zinn. I find Stacy Zinn's background and thoughts interesting.


Whitehall, Montana


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