Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 5/1/2024

Having a T-Rex coexist with a stegosaurus is less accurate than a T-Rex coexisting with a human being.

They tell people to get married so they won’t die alone, and then half of them die alone anyway because their partner has already died.

You never hear about pirating music anymore.

Everyone loves detectives but hates cops.

You are the center of the observable universe.

Being tipsy is 10x better than being drunk.

You know you’re getting old when police officers start looking like kids.

Technically speaking, we have all kicked a pregnant person.

Body Dysmorphia also includes people who see their bodies as healthy and in shape, but they are not as healthy or as fit as they believe they are.

An adult who has never had sex is generally considered odd. However, asking for sex is considered even worse.

The restaurant industry cheats the law of supply and demand true price discovery by throwing away excess supply instead of discounting it.

It’s incredible the honesty of people who admit that they need something explained to them like they’re five-year-olds.

The money you already have doesn’t adjust for inflation.

There are two famous people named Homer. One is possibly the most influential poet in history. The other is best known for being a complete idiot.

Jocks are people who are nerds about sports.

Most people think the Victorian Era was earlier than it was.

Candles have made most people think blowing on fire will make it go out.

In an insane world, an insane person appears sane.

It’s one of life’s greatest ironies that people have to make their most significant, most meaningful decisions when they’re young and stupid.

The poorer you are, the more expensive your phone case is.

Parallel parking is linear parking, but parking lots actually park parallel.

Stress will kill you, but spite can keep you alive forever.

You tend to increase your net worth when you don’t have to spend all your money.

Nothing destroys someone’s credibility more than promoting a crappy product.

It’s ok to lock infants and toddlers in cages as long as there is no top on it.

No one can be the best, worst, or average at everything.

People are okay with short and long nails but not medium-sized ones.

You can change all of your personally identifiable info except for your date of birth.


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