Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: VETERANS: Make Your Voices Heard!

Dear Editor,

VETERANS: Make your voices heard!

Montana's veterans deserve to live with dignity and independence. The Department of Public Health and Human Services is conducting an important survey to understand and improve the living conditions of our veterans. We at the Veterans Navigation Network encourage every veteran, caregiver, and family member in Montana to participate.

This survey will help the state understand what veterans need to live well in their communities. It looks at healthcare access, financial stability, and opportunities to connect with others, all crucial for a good quality of life.

Your voice matters. By sharing your experiences, you can help shape better services and support for veterans. This is your chance to make a difference in the lives of those who have served our country. The survey can be completed by going to

Let's unite to ensure our veterans receive the support they need and deserve and make our voices heard.

BLAKE FUHRIMAN, Veterans Navigation Network

MIKE MCMANUS, Program Coordinator


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