Have you heard the news? The 2nd Annual Whitehall Wonder's Enchanted Faire will be held at the Main Street Green and the Star Theatre on Saturday, June 22nd, from 11 AM to 3 PM. Now that you know, it's time for all community members, young and old, to "build" or create a fairy, troll, gnome, or other enchanted dwelling for the Enchanted Faire. But you might be asking, "How?"
To make an enchanted dwelling, you can use all kinds of materials, from cardboard to old birdhouses, big pieces of bark, doll houses, and carved-out wood stumps-just about anything that piques your fancy. You can add moss, small pebbles, twigs, and other natural materials that fairies would find in their forest habitat.
Don't forget a door in and a way for viewers to see inside the things you would find normally but in miniature and easy to create.
For inspiration, get on the internet and Google away! There are so many themes and genres of home to choose from! Have a fairy good time creating!
Who: Whitehall's Whimsical Wonders, Gold Junction Presents, and the Whitehall Chamber of Commerce.
What: Create an enchanted fairy, gnome, troll, or other creature dwelling. All ages welcome - adults and children!
Where: Main Street Green and Star Theatre
When: June 22, 11 AM-3 PM. Bring your enchanted dwelling to the Star Theatre on Friday, June 21, from 5-6 PM or to the Main Street Green on June 22 before 11 AM. Please bring all you need to set up; we only provide space. Please pick up your home at 4 PM.
Why: For a "fairy, fairy" good time!
There will be vendors, children's activities, a free movie at 4 p.m., live music, and more. It will be a day full of wonder and delight!
You can pick up your entry form(s) at the Whitehall Ledger office or online at http://www.goldjunctionpresents.com. You can return your form(s) to the Ledger or mail it to Kathy Ross, PO Box 137, Whitehall, MT 59759. Entries are due no later than June 15.
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