Some matters are important to address in a timely fashion from time to time. Next week, I will get back to the Look What the Doctor Ordered series. However, today, I want to draw your attention to the events from the past week.
Where were you on April 8, 2024? I saw friends on social media across the country either sporting some new specialized glasses or others being crafty and making some homemade spectacles, all to look at the eclipse. I was flying to Tennessee with my wife to see the brand-new granddaughter during the eclipse. I thought we might have a chance to see something spectacular since we would be close to the track over the Midwest. But to no avail; all I saw were other passengers, with no darkening of the skies at 30,000 feet.
One thing is certain, there was a ton of chatter about the eclipse. Sadly, some within Christendom pulled out their “prophecy” playbooks and made predictions that never came to pass. I know because I listened to some of these internet voices, like Lance, Julie, Amanda, and more. When will Christians in America learn their lessons? From Harold Camping’s empty predictions of May 21, 2011, to the litany of infamous Trump prophecies of 2020. If the Apostle Paul were alive, we’d be getting a letter addressing the false teachings that run rampant today.
The so-called “April 8th” prophecy teachers plucked three past eclipse tracks over North America, just a fragment of hundreds over the past century, citing that they make a Hebrew sign, all of which relates to the Second Coming of Jesus. The “Nineveh” track from Mexico to Maine was to hit seven cities which bore the name Nineveh, interestingly only two on the list hit the track.
You can find many other prophecies related to April 8th that didn’t come to pass from internet sensations, after all, TikTok and other platforms are reliable sources, lol. In the days to come these false teachers will be at it even more, so be careful.
Ironically, one truth that has been revealed is found prophetically (true form) in Matthew 24:10, where Jesus states that false prophets will be prevalent as His return draws close. As always, I encourage any reader to be a good student of the Bible to look over the context of chapter 24. Those constantly fascinated with signs and wonders are vulnerable to false teaching. Jesus was crystal clear; nobody knows the day or hour of His return. Jesus could come any day, but we need not worry about which day, rather we need to be ready, that’s precisely His point. His warnings fill chapter 24 of Matthew regarding
deception. Please don’t get wrapped up in hype or hysteria, rather be vigilant of the ever-growing chorus of false prophets. They are pied pipers full of deceit.
Jesus taught readiness, “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So, you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him,” (Matthew 24:42-44).
Eclipses come and go, those who improperly interpret the Bible are imposters so stay clear of the noise.
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