The Whitehall Garden Club (WGC) will hold its next monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 3rd, at the Borden’s Conference Room at 103 W. Legion Avenue. We welcome the public to join us at 9:30 AM to socialize and enjoy refreshments provided by our hostesses, Diane Ward and Mary Baughn, followed by our business meeting at 10 AM. Our special guest speaker, Tom Harrington, will present a “WATER!” program starting at approximately 10:30 AM, giving us insights on Montana Water and the Piedmont Pond Project. MSU water sample kits will be available to attendees, so please join us for this valuable and informative meeting.
The Whitehall Garden Club is a member of the Montana Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. and the National Garden Club, Inc. For more information about the club and its activities, call 406-490-3791 or visit
April is PLANT AMERICA MONTH. The Whitehall Garden Club is a member of the Montana Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. (MFGC) and the National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC). The national organization has been promoting the “Plant America” program for several years. As gardeners, we encourage individuals and communities to plant gardens for the enjoyment of all. Here are some suggested ways to celebrate:
April 2: Nature Day, Read Network with Nature to a child in your life
April 4: National Carrot Day
April 5: National Dandelion Day
April 6: California Poppy Day
April 7: Walk to Work Day
April 8: National Zoo Lovers Day
April 10: Hug Your Dog Day
April 13: International Plant Appreciation Day
April 14: National Gardening Day
April 16: National Orchid Day
April 20: Volunteer Recognition Day
April 22: Earth Day
April 25: National Zucchini Bread Day
April 26: Arbor Day- plant some trees!
April 26: National Audubon Day
April 28: Stop Food Waste Day
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