Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Horoscopes: Week of 3/6/2024

ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20

Aries, think about collaborating on a fun project with someone close to you. Find out if anyone needs help on something they may be working on if you don’t have a project in mind.

TAURUS Apr 21/May 21

An excitement concerning work goals or a business venture may compel you to take some action to get your ideas heard by higher-ups, Taurus. The audience will be receptive.

GEMINI May 22/Jun 21

Gemini, trying to resolve issues in a relationship this week may leave you feeling unsettled. You might be trying to avoid sensitive topics that you will have to address eventually.

CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22

Cancer, if you are feeling content with yourself and life lately, that is excellent. Embrace this positive state of mind and take steps to continue the good feelings.

LEO Jul 23/Aug 23

Leo, this week, you may be feeling nostalgic or sentimental. Look over old photographs or watch family movies for a bit. If you want to take it further, reach out to childhood friends.

VIRGO Aug 24/Sept 22

Find new activities that you can add to your daily routine, Virgo. This may be a sport, hobby, or even a new club. Add a dose of creativity to every day for good effects.

LIBRA Sept 23/Oct 23

Uncertainty regarding long-term plans may be driving emotions of shyness, Libra. Plan excursions or events with friends you trust if you are having trouble.

SCORPIO Oct 24/Nov 22

Scorpio, encouragement comes from people you may not feel are on your team. Take all the support you can get as you plan through some long-term goals.


It’s always the right time to tell others how much they mean to you, Sagittarius. It will not take grand gestures to do so, merely your loving words.

CAPRICORN Dec 22/Jan 20

Your busy schedule this week makes everything more hectic, even if it isn’t, Capricorn. Carve out some time to sit quietly or enjoy some alone time to refresh.

AQUARIUS Jan 21/Feb 18

This week, you may be feeling especially charitable, Aquarius. Open your heart up to others who may need some extra support. This may be a stranger or someone you know.

PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20

Some news from a family member may catch you off-guard, Pisces. You’ll soon recover when you learn that it is extremely happy news. You may even get the good news of your own.


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