Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Dear Editor: Rural Rage

Dear Editor,

There was an article recently in the New York Times about rural rage.

I thought this comment from a fellow reader was worth passing on:

"I am a non-indian, cattle rancher on the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota. I sold some feeder cattle last Friday at the highest price in my 50 years of ranching. The price beat my previous record high, which was in 2013. Both of these record-high cattle price years occurred during Democratic administrations.

The USDA gave billions of dollars to ag producers during Trump's administration as partial reimbursement for the collapsed grain and livestock markets that were the obvious, direct result of Trump's "bull in a china closet" trade and tariff wars, particularly with China.

Ranchers and farmers receive higher prices for their production under Democratic administrations, in part because the economy is functioning better and the consumer has the ability to pay those higher prices.

Ranchers and farmers receive higher levels of USDA payments under Trump's administration because of Trump's pointless belligerence and incompetence.

Even Trump said, "The economy does better under Democrats than Republicans."

Ranchers and farmers continue to support Trump today and continue to vote AGAINST their own self interest!"

Respectfully submitted,


Cardwell, Montana


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