Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Thought Provokers: 2/28/2024

Sweatpants were made for physical activity, but wearing them in public makes you seem lazy.

People get more upset when their tax money is used to help their neighbors than they are when it is used to bomb strangers.

8 hours of drinking is binge drinking, 8 hours of TV is binge-watching, 8 hours of sleep is barely enough.

Deep conversation shows an interest in the topic you’re discussing but small talk shows interest in the person you’re talking to.

CEOs earning more is justified through the importance of successful decision-making, but when they make an unsuccessful decision, their salary is not cut down, they just lay off workers.

The most annoying/repulsive song you’ve ever heard is on someone’s Favorites playlist.

Mirrors are only half as dirty as they look.

Strip clubs are the only businesses allowed to discriminate by sex, age, and appearance.

On the internet, men get unsolicited messages from fake women they wish were real, while women get unsolicited messages from real men they wish were fake.

Our next genetic mutation should be the disappearance of the small toenail.

Seven years of bad luck for breaking a mirror seems a bit excessive.

A mile a minute sounds a lot faster than 60 MPH.

Bone broth is boneless bones.

Saying you have simple taxes basically is another way of saying you are broke.


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