Serving Southern Jefferson County in the Great State of Montana

Council Moves Forward With Plan for Visionary Broadband Project

At the February meeting of the Whitehall Town Council, held February 20th due to the President's Day holiday that Monday, the Council pushed forward with the Visionary Broadband project, though a final ordinance regarding franchise fees had not yet been solidified.

Mayor Mary Janacaro-Hensleigh said that the Town wished to move forward with the project, but that it needed to set itself up properly for future right-of-way use, which has not been done in the past.

The Town agreed to the following, for Visionary to begin engineering: "The Town of Whitehall wishes to allow Visionary Communications, LLC to proceed with the fiber project with the understanding that the Town of Whitehall will put an agreement into place that replicates the Riverton, WY ordinance agreement that will be reviewed and revised by the Town Attorney. The verbiage in the agreement will include a clause about fee schedules being set by resolution to be followed by all companies using the town's right of ways that must comply with a franchise agreement."

Visionary CEO Brian Worthen thanked the Council for working on the ordinances and no further comment was made from the public.


203 S Brooke St - Office mistake - $250.21 credited; 7 N Whitehall St - Toilet leak - $305.34 credited; 103 Whitehall St - Water line break - $1633.13 credited; 8 E Viella - Double charge for two dwellings - change variable water gallons to 6,000 gallons; 8 E Viella - Double charge for two dwellings - change variable water gallons to 4,000 gallons.


• Amanda Kunz - garage/storage building approved.

• Joel Andrews - steel building primary residence approved.

This approval was made after a motion to table was voted down by the Council. Councilwoman Katy James had received a letter from property owners Chris and Gretchen Tavenner, informing the Council of litigation currently pending against Andrews and the road leading to his/their property. However, after a discussion regarding the setbacks was had, the approval was made, with James voting against it.


• Will Austin's letter of resignation from the Planning Board was accepted.

• Elias Rodriguez was approved as a fire department volunteer.

• Resolution 2024-2 to vacate the full width of the alley adjacent to Lots 6-7 in Block 12 and Lot 3A in Block 2 of the Northern Pacific addition to the Town of Whitehall was approved. This alley is located off S, Division St and the alley end of Viella St., near the Warmoth Property.

• Resolution 2024-3 to vacate the full width of Lucile Street adjacent to lots 6-7 in Block 12 and Lot 3A in Block 2 of the Northern Pacific addition, and COS 164332 F416A and COS 117184 F167A outlet Parcel A to the Town of Whitehall was vacated. This is also near the Warmoth Property where a 36 apartment complex is planned to be built. Councilman Bill Lanes said that these resolutions and vacating of alleys are good for Whitehall and that the apartment complex project shows that Whitehall is not a dying community and people are investing in the area.

• The Council approved adding the rodeo ground power to the Town bill.

• The Council approved changing the DNRC Stormwater PER to a DNRC Water PER for Liberty Place and Sugar Beet Row Projects.


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